5 What Not to Do in Mongolian Ger while tour

At the point when you travel to Mongolia, you will get an opportunity to visit or even stay in renowned Mongolian Ger, constructible, and versatile house. Mongolians' ger lodging has a long convention and has gone through numerous phases of improvement and development. The ger, which is most appropriate for migrant life, is alluring regarding structure. The Mongolian ger is light, minimal, sturdy, and has a special compositional plan. 

There are several large number of customary standards and strange notions with respect to Mongolian Ger. What's more, we have picked 5 significant principles which could be valuable when you travel to Mongolia tours. Mongolian travelers like to show the principles to outsiders as opposed to getting annoyed. However, we prescribe you to gain proficiency with the accompanying 5 customary principles in regards to Mongolian Ger. 

1. Try not to step on the lower part of the edge of the entryway when you enter or leave the ger. Kindly attempt to venture over it. In any event, stumbling on the limit outline isn't satisfactory. The limit is considered as the boundary, which isolates the Ger and outside. In this manner, no one should step on the edge keeping in mind the family. 

2. Try not to stroll between the ger segments that hold up the rooftop. This is viewed as misfortune. It is likewise illegal from the wellbeing perspective in light of the fact that the entire ger will implode if these two segments are harmed or moved. 

3. Try not to sit at the head (or north) of the ger. The entryway of the ger consistently faces the south to assist migrants with sorting out an hour dependent on the situation of the sun. That is the reason the top of the ger is in the north. The top of the ger is a spot for the man (father) of the family, yet in the event that he is missing, the most established man can stay there. 

4. Try not to continue to the righ-hand side of the ger. The left-hand side of the ger is known as the side for visitors. The right-hand-side is for family, or by welcome as it were. There will be a bed and little seats to sit on, however little seats probably won't be sufficient for everybody in the event that you going with countless individuals 

5. Try not to decline the host's contributions, which are normally milk tea with salt and dairy. Refusal is considered as unrespectful and impolite conduct. In the event that you are lactose bigoted, you can simply take the contribution and bring it back. You don't have to stress over milk tea as it is made out of dairy animals, goat, or sheep milk.


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